woensdag 23 juli 2008

Mickie James praat over daten met John Cena

Mickie James heeft haar eerste blog geplaatst op haar WWE Fan Nation account. Het volgende viel te lezen.

Over Trish had ze het volgende te vertellen , "It was and honor to start in a major program with Trish Stratus. We are still wonderful friends and she taught me a lot about the world of WWE."

Over de situatie tussen haar en Cena, "Now lastly many of you all want to now what exactly is going on between John and myself. Like I said before a true lady doesn’t kiss and tell. But what I will tell you is this. The truth is we have really become great friends. He is truly an amazing man. Like no one I have ever known and I am grateful to have him in my life. When you step into this crazy world you soon find that the genuine people are few and far between. He is Real... I adore him for that..."

Ze geeft ook aan dat ze geen MySpace of Facebook heeft, omdat er blijkbaar mensen zijn die zich als haar voordoen. Mickie vraagt iedereen ook om haar pagina netjes te houden.
"I think its important that we all remember that there are many little eyes and ears that see hear and imitate everything we do. We must all be aware of that and keep it in mind. You are free to express yourself however you want but just please keep your language and remarks clean on the board. Also I wanted to reserve my email for serious questions in order to restart the ASK MICKIE advice column. So if your just writing to say hi than just do so on the board. It just makes it easier for me... Thank you.."

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